Building A Relationship With Your Horse

Hi, my name is Jen Piecz, I love horses and the relationships people can build with them. Are you getting the most out of your time with your horse? Does your horse come greet you at the gate, even if you aren't carrying a treat? Does your horse stand for you to mount, allow you to groom him while he stands quietly? Often times I am in situations with people and their horses and I witness a lack of understanding between the horse and human. I am available to help people learn how to read their horse and therefore make more appropriate decisions on how to interact with them.
Horses are innately a flight response animal. Their behavior is deeply rooted in the need to survive. Their method of choice to survive is to run. Understanding that basic characteristic of the horse is the starting place for training. In order for a horse to learn, he has to be in a fearless frame of mind. We humans interacting with the horse either help the horse get there or not.
In the process of helping the horse become calm and in a learning frame of mind, a relationship starts to develop and trust follows. Doing the work to get a horse in a learning capacity causes so much understanding to occur by the human. From here the doors open and all that is required is dedication to self improvement, through study, emotional and physical fitness and you are on your way to a lifetime pursuit of equestrian learning.
In addition to understanding equine behavior and modifying it to have a good riding partner, you as a rider need self awareness and tools to be effective in communicating to the horse as a rider. In my lessons, I use "Centered Riding," techniques and concepts with tangible success between horse and rider. When the student absorbs the information and uses it correctly, I see a change in the horse and his acceptance of the rider.
Once the relationship is established we work on all sorts of riding skills; trail-riding, jumping, basic dressage, and most importantly timing and feel.
If you are without a horse and starting out, I am happy to work with you, using my lesson horses. The ultimate way to go with your learning journey is with your own horse as the more practice you have the better your understanding and therefore, relationship and skills.
Horses are innately a flight response animal. Their behavior is deeply rooted in the need to survive. Their method of choice to survive is to run. Understanding that basic characteristic of the horse is the starting place for training. In order for a horse to learn, he has to be in a fearless frame of mind. We humans interacting with the horse either help the horse get there or not.
In the process of helping the horse become calm and in a learning frame of mind, a relationship starts to develop and trust follows. Doing the work to get a horse in a learning capacity causes so much understanding to occur by the human. From here the doors open and all that is required is dedication to self improvement, through study, emotional and physical fitness and you are on your way to a lifetime pursuit of equestrian learning.
In addition to understanding equine behavior and modifying it to have a good riding partner, you as a rider need self awareness and tools to be effective in communicating to the horse as a rider. In my lessons, I use "Centered Riding," techniques and concepts with tangible success between horse and rider. When the student absorbs the information and uses it correctly, I see a change in the horse and his acceptance of the rider.
Once the relationship is established we work on all sorts of riding skills; trail-riding, jumping, basic dressage, and most importantly timing and feel.
If you are without a horse and starting out, I am happy to work with you, using my lesson horses. The ultimate way to go with your learning journey is with your own horse as the more practice you have the better your understanding and therefore, relationship and skills.